March 2010

Dan Piraro is my favourite cartoonist (not that I know many) and as it turns out he’s also a great speaker.  Below is a video of him explaining some of his best cartoons:

You can view many of Dan’s cartoons on, but below I present to you a few of those:

In my opinion, through his cartoons, Dan is able to efficiently communicate some of the most important animal rights issues we have in our world at the present moment.  One picture is worth a thousand words.  Thanks Dan!

As you may or may not know, I am also a fitness freak, and because of my passion for healthy and active living I teach aerobics classes, trying to inspire people to be active and have fun while doing it. 

I teach at various locations, but on Tuesday evenings I have taught a Turbo Kick class at York University, and let me tell you that was a blast!  All the girls were soooo energetic, so inspiring, so motivated, that sometimes I was wondering who is pushing who 🙂  Not only we were having fun and working hard, we’ve also helped the children of Haiti raising 160$ for the Plan Canada.

The last class of the year, we’ve selebrated by making a video of us all Turboing the hell out, which you may see below!

I’d like to thank everyone who may see this post for coming out and staying active with me, and I wish you all the luck in your future – stay healthy, happy, loved, and whatever you do – always have fun doing it! Remeber stress is responsible for 90% of all illnesses – like that song says: Too, too-to, to-do-do-do-do-do-do, don’t worry, be happy 🙂