How could I ever forget this little thing!?

Two versions of the Diva Cup

Two versions of the Diva Cup

I think this was the object that has pushed me to start this whole blogging thing – I wanted to let the world know that I love, yes I absolutely adore the Diva Cup!  Never ever before have I had such happy periods than I do now with the Diva Cup.

Here are some of the most obvious benefits:  You do not contribute to the landfill waste and save lots of money- there are no more pads or tampons to buy – all you need to have a happy green period is a little Diva cup.  The most surprising thing is that you  never feel the thing inside of you. And sometimes it gets me scared that it’s so comfortable that  I will forget it inside and won’t remember about it at all for a few days 🙂 That haven’t happened yet, and I really hope it won’t.

My best compliments are to reliability of the Diva Cup – you can do spinning, turbo kicking, biking outside, jogging, basically anything your heart desires for approximately 10 or so hours and it will not leak or even give you a hint of it’s presence!

Like Vanessa Farquharson said in her novel ‘Sleeping Naked is Green’ – every woman should have one!